February 09, 2021


I find it very funny that in my last post I said I tried to make it compulsory for me to write everyday. LOL! Jokes on me 😂

Anyway, it feels just like yesterday since I posted the previous post but almost a month has passed by, I didn't even notice. So many things happened, so many decisions made within the time frame, Phew! 

So, just a quick update. I.. submit my resignation letter to my superior last Thursday. I'm so happy, to be honest so happy I thought I might get heart attack from being too happy. I do not want to rant about office issue which makes me decide to quit because it will give different energy in this page - even though this page always got that sad emo vibes, but let's move on.

Last weekend, a bunch of friends came over to our (husband & I) place - so weird to use our, but it's ours. We spent our weekend by enjoying some movies, playing monopoly cards until 4 in the morning, cooking & eating good foods & joking around- of course. It was a splendid weekend. But there's something bothering me, the words lingers on my mind.

During our lunch on Sunday, Ady told us that his girlfriend got that PTD offer. I too, went for the exam & pass until stage 3, but I didn't attend the last stage which is the interview session. They asked me why & my answer was because the interview was on Tuesday, so I have to take leave for 2 days since I'm working in KL. I'm getting married on the same month & will take long leaves, hence I decided to skip the PTD interview session because I cannot bear taking too many unpaid leaves since I needed the money for the wedding (& life after wedding).

"Oh seriously? Kahwin lagi penting?"

"Yeah of course" 

"Girlfriend aku pun ada mentaliti cam Epa, then aku cakap, tak boleh, sekarang career lagi penting"

Then I silently went to the kitchen because I'm having a constant battle with my inner thoughts right at that time. I feel very unambitious & it feels so wrong. I do not want to be a career woman, it's not the life I wanted & it's not the journey I wanted to embark on. But, is that a wrong thing? Am I really an unambitious woman? and if I am, is that wrong?

I just wanna live in peace.